Crisis Hotline: 1-800-841-1255    |    Appointments or Services: 1-844-309-6385

Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Services

Through the Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECI), Bluebonnet Trails offers services that help infants and toddlers (birth to 3 years of age) with disabilities or delays achieve their developmental milestones. By coaching families and caregivers how to embed learning strategies into everyday routines, we work as a team to maximize your child’s greatest potential. We also assist parents to access the resources they need to function at their best while focusing on the specific needs of the ECI child.

Early Childhood Intervention (ECI)

Children referred to ECI will receive a developmental evaluation to determine eligibility for services according to the requirements of the State of Texas. The family and the evaluation team will work together to determine the most suitable services for the child.

ECI Locations

Locations: Bastrop, Giddings, La Grange, Luling, Marble Falls, Round Rock

ECI Services

Special Skills Training: Our ECI Program offers Special Skills Training for infants and toddlers that demonstrate developmental delays. Services are provided by an Early Intervention Specialist, who has broad knowledge of development and can address delays in language development, thinking skills, social-emotional development, and gross or fine motor skills. We also help the family integrate skills taught by therapists across developmental domains.

Occupational Therapy: A Licensed Occupational Therapist (OT) may work with your child on enhancing their physical, sensory, or cognitive development. Depending on the age and needs of your child, the OT may work on gross or fine motor skills, feeding difficulties, or sensory integration techniques.

Physical Therapy: A Licensed Physical Therapist may work with your child to increase strength and muscle tone of the large muscles involved in standing, walking, climbing, running, and more.

Speech Therapy:  A Speech-Language Pathologist addresses difficulties with producing the sounds expected of his or her language. We may also teach augmentative communication techniques if the child continues to have problems with language development. Feeding and oral-motor strengthening may be part of the developmental plan.

Counseling: A Licensed Professional Counselor or Licensed Clinical Social Work may provide assistance with behavioral concerns (extreme tantrums, difficultly with compliance, sleeping difficulties, etc.) or attachment disorders including working with adoptive and foster children.

Nutrition: The services of a Registered Dietician may be requested if a child has an extremely limited dietary intake, has a history of poor growth, or is transitioning from mechanical feeding (such as a gastrointestinal tube) to normal feeding in order to ensure appropriate nutrition.

Auditory and Visual Impairment: A child with a visual or hearing impairment may be eligible for services from certified teachers who specialize in deaf and blind education. These specialists teach families how to maximize their child’s hearing or vision in order to help meet developmental and/or educational goals.

Service Coordination:  A Service Coordinator is assigned to each family in order to coordinate the services of the ECI team and/or outside service providers or agencies, to handle associated and necessary paperwork, and to assist the family in accessing any needed supports.  Our Service Coordinators also monitor the family’s satisfaction with services and progress toward goals, makes arrangements for any additional services that may be needed, and schedules periodic reviews of the service plan. We will assist the family in preparing for any needed supports when the child turns three and leaves the program.

ECI Flyer

ECI Referral Number

1-877-787-8999 Replaces DARS Inquiries Line

Effective September 1, 2016, the DARS Inquiries Line (1-800-628-5115) was transferred to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) and will no longer serve as the referral line for ECI.  The new referral line for ECI is now located in the Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Ombudsman at 1-877-787-8999. All ECI-related calls received by TWC will be forwarded to the HHS Office of the Ombudsman.  Please inform your staff, referral sources, and stakeholders to update their contact list to reflect the new number. 

Early Childhood Texas: Resources for Raising Kids

Early Childhood Texas aims to provide families with young children easy access to Texas state agency programs, services, and resources.

State agency partners include Texas Workforce Commission, Texas Education Agency, Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, and Texas Department of State Health Services.

A team of staff from each agency has guided the development of this website with direct input from Texas parents and families. The website is managed by the inter-agency team and funded by the Texas Workforce Commission.

Visit for more information!

For Appointments or Information:

24-Hour Crisis Hotline:

1009 North Georgetown Street
Round Rock, Texas 78664

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Bluebonnet Trails Community Services as a recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant dollars either directly from FTA or through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), will comply with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d), the U.S. Department of Transportation implementing regulations, FTA Circular 4702.lB, and TxDOT PTN requirements as specified in Master Grant Agreement, and State Management Plan. Our Title VI Plan can be viewed here: Title VI Plan 2023-2026

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