Crisis Hotline: 1-800-841-1255    |    Appointments or Services: 1-844-309-6385


“I think survivors must always be the authorities and authors of their own recovery process, but undoubtedly that journey becomes easier when you have allies to guide your way. There’s a saying that it “takes a village to raise a child” and in many ways it takes a community to support a recovery story.”

– Eleanor Longden


ClearPath Program

The ClearPath Program offers Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) for the early treatment of psychosis. The goal is to reduce duration of untreated symptoms to improve outcomes such as ability to work, go to school, live independently and have enjoyable relationships.

Symptoms of Psychosis

    • Hearing or seeing things others do not
    • Unusual thought content
    • Withdrawal from family and friends
    • Fear or suspicion of others
    • Strong beliefs that are untrue
    • Belief in special powers
    • Tangential speech
    • Use of “non-words”
    • Difficulty finding the right word
    • Unexplained irritability or aggression
    • Drastic changes in behavior

What is Coordinated Specialty Care?

The CSC team, which has specialized training in early intervention for psychosis, consists of a Psychiatrist, Supported Employment/Education Specialist, Peer Specialist, Skills Trainer, Family Partner, and Team Lead/Therapist. Individuals receive an average of 5 hours of services per month.

The average duration of untreated psychosis is 1-3 years. Coordinated specialty care, coupled with shorter durations of untreated symptoms, has led to significantly better outcomes in national studies.

Program Eligibility

    • Experiencing the first episode of psychosis within the last two years
    • The psychosis is not due to substance use or a medical condition
    • Between the ages of 15-30
    • Residing in Bastrop, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Lee, or Williamson County
    • Willing to participate for 2-3 years

For questions about ClearPath services, please email

ClearPath Flyer


For Appointments or Information:

24-Hour Crisis Hotline:

1009 North Georgetown Street
Round Rock, Texas 78664

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Bluebonnet Trails Community Services as a recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant dollars either directly from FTA or through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), will comply with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d), the U.S. Department of Transportation implementing regulations, FTA Circular 4702.lB, and TxDOT PTN requirements as specified in Master Grant Agreement, and State Management Plan. Our Title VI Plan can be viewed here: Title VI Plan 2023-2026

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