Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)

The focus of our Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Program is to assist individuals and their families in choosing and accessing quality and cost-efficient services and supports that best meet their needs and requests. Our IDD Program accomplishes this by offering an extensive array of services and supports either provided through Bluebonnet Trails or through a network of private and public agencies and organizations.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Program
Our Intellectual Developmental Disabilities Services provide intervention, therapies and supports throughout a lifetime allowing persons to reach their greatest potential – including eligibility determination, early intervention for babies and toddlers, autism services, respite, community supports, employment assistance and service coordination.
Bastrop, Giddings, Gonzales, Lockhart, Marble Falls, Round Rock, Seguin
Early Intervention for Babies and Toddlers: Please visit our Early Childhood Intervention Program for more details.
Autism Services: Please visit our Autism Services for more details.
Respite: Our Respite services provide temporary non-routine assistance to the caregiver by assisting the individual with daily living tasks and providing needed supervision.
Community Supports: Our Community Supports offers small groups or one-on-one activities conducted in the individuals’ home or in the community to support the individual’s ability to live with the maximum amount of independence.
Employment Assistance: Bluebonnet Trails provides assistance in order to sustain competitive employment or self-employment to an individual who, because of disability, requires intensive, ongoing support. Services include employment adaptions, supervisor training related to individuals’ assessed needs, and earning at least a minimal wage (if not self-employed). For more details on our Employment Assistance programs, please click here.
Service Coordination: Our Service Coordination services help people access medical, social, educational and other services and supports that will help an individual achieve an acceptable quality of life and community participation. Service coordination is provided by a staff person who is referred to as a Service Coordinator. To contact our Service Coordinators for assistance, please reach out here.
Eligibility Determination
A determination of eligibility is an assessment (or endorsement of an assessment) to determine if a person has an intellectual disability or is a member of the DADS priority population for IDD. The assessment uses standardized tests to determine a person’s IQ and adaptive behavior level (ability to perform life skills) and is conducted by a qualified professional. An assessment typically includes an interview with the person, the person’s legally authorized representative, or if the person doesn’t have an LAR, others who are actively involved with the person.
Outpatient Behavioral Health Services for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (OBI)
Whole Person Project
We celebrate the work of our partner The Arc of Texas as they seek to expand access to quality mental health services for adult Texans with intellectual and developmental disabilities through the Whole Person Project – The Arc of Texas
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Crisis Support Team
The goal of our IDD Crisis Support Team is to provide timely and individualized specialized services to individuals and their families, targeting a decrease in crisis behavior and an increase in the individuals’ ability to calm themselves and/or their caregivers’ skills to assist them in the process. We strive to stabilize an individual and remove the risk for out-of-home treatment or placement.
When the IDD Crisis Support Team Can Help
The following are examples of when an individual may be appropriate for our IDD Crisis Support Team services:
- An individual is repeatedly becoming aggressive toward others
- An individual is engaging in repeated self-abuse or other high-risk behavior (not including suicidal or homicidal behavior)
- An individual has psychiatric symptoms that are inadequately responding to treatment or unaddressed
- An individual has lost a caregiver or is at risk of losing a caregiver due to an inability to manage the individual’s care or other reasons.
Bastrop, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Lee, Williamson
IDD Crisis Services
Bluebonnet Trails is devoted to providing the most exceptional care for individuals diagnosed with an Intellectual Developmental Disability and/or Autism. In our IDD Crisis Support Team we provide up to 90 days of wrap around crisis prevention services including: service coordination, skills training, respite, nursing services, behavioral supports, counseling, Applied Behavioral Analysis therapy, and psychiatric assessment/medication management.
For Appointments or Information:
24-Hour Crisis Hotline:

1009 North Georgetown Street
Round Rock, Texas 78664

Bluebonnet Trails Community Services as a recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant dollars either directly from FTA or through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), will comply with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d), the U.S. Department of Transportation implementing regulations, FTA Circular 4702.lB, and TxDOT PTN requirements as specified in Master Grant Agreement, and State Management Plan. Our Title VI Plan can be viewed here: Title VI Plan 2023-2026