Crisis Hotline: 1-800-841-1255    |    Appointments or Services: 1-844-309-6385

Crisis Services


Are you feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to turn? Are you having thoughts of wanting to hurt yourself or someone else? Are you worried about someone else who may be struggling with depression or other mental health concerns? Bluebonnet Trails Community Services wants to help!

Our well-trained staff are dedicated to assisting individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Our staff is available to talk with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through our Crisis Hotline at 1-800-841-1255.

Our well-trained staff are dedicated to assisting individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Our staff is available to talk with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through our Crisis Hotline at 1-800-841-1255.

Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT)

Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT): Our team is made up of an array of qualified and highly trained mental health professionals who are available for immediate response 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout our 8 counties by calling 1-800-841-1255MCOT services focus on providing timely crisis assessments and development of a plan to resolve the crisis. Our team provides services where the crisis is taking place; this can be your home, school, the local emergency room, places of business, or anywhere within the community.

Youth Therapeutic Respite Program

The Youth Therapeutic Respite Program now located in Round Rock & Seguin, provides a safe environment for youth in crisis, between the ages of 5-17, to receive wraparound care, including innovative therapies, care coordination, case management, psychiatric medication management, and more.  The length of stay may be as short as a few hours or as long as 30 days, depending on the needs of the youth and family. We work closely with caregivers every step of the way, pairing them with a Family Partner and involving them in care planning and therapy services. As we support the academic success of each youth enrolled in the program, our Care Coordinators collaborate with each student’s school to plan for a smooth transition upon returning home. This trauma-informed, community-based crisis intervention serves as an alternative to psychiatric hospitalization for youth and their families. The program is made possible through generous funds from Williamson County and is the only one of its kind in our area.

Accepting Referrals for our Round Rock & Seguin Programs!

To make a referral, please contact:

24-Hour Crisis Help Line: 800-841-1255 or Information and Appointment Line: 844-309-6385


The Youth Therapeutic Respite Program flyers can be downloaded by clicking on the following links: YTRP English FlyerYTRP Spanish Flyer

Diversion Center

Diversion Center: Bluebonnet Trails offers a Diversion Center to provide triage and 23-48 hour observation services to those in crisis. The unit located in Georgetown provides services to individuals residing in Bastrop, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Lee, and Williamson Counties.

Our Diversion Center offers voluntary and involuntary admission for individuals in crisis who need short-term care to achieve stabilization. Once admitted, individuals will be seen by a doctor within the first hour to ensure appropriate medications are provided. Licensed nurses will monitor symptoms and provide support 24/7. We offer up to 48 hours of care, working with the individual to fulfill a step-down care plan to decrease the need for inpatient hospitalization.

To access any of our crisis services, please call 1-800-841-1255.

Crisis Respite Units

Crisis Respite Units (CRU): Our 16-bed San Gabriel CRU located in Georgetown, TX, and our 10-bed Seguin CRU located in Seguin, TX, both operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The primary objective of crisis respite services is crisis stabilization and resolution for the participant or the participant’s family/caregiver. Our well-trained staff assists individuals in crisis, through assessments and evaluations to determine the most suitable care plan for recovery. Respite services include linking to resources, skills training, group therapy, and psychiatric stabilization for individuals to return back to their community successfully. The length of stay is determined by need and can be as little as a few hours or as long as 14 days or more.


911 Mental Health Dispatch

Mental Health Dispatch: Bluebonnet Trails Community Services (BTCS) has embedded mental health clinicians in the Williamson County Emergency Operations Center, so we are able to connect at the moment of the crisis, 24/7. BTCS mental health professionals provide crisis intervention, de-escalation, and treatment coordination for persons in crisis. Depending on the severity of the situation, this could include activation of Mobile Crisis Outreach Teams (MCOT) in partnership with law enforcement or instead of law enforcement response. For persons determined to not be in a crisis situation, BTCS will link persons to needed supports, reducing the need for law enforcement, fire, and EMS involvement. Additionally, BTCS 911 dispatch staff will follow up with callers to assure access to needed supportsThis diversion service will reduce the likelihood of unnecessary hospitalizations, arrests, and utilization of law enforcement and EMS.


For Appointments or Information:

24-Hour Crisis Hotline:

1009 North Georgetown Street
Round Rock, Texas 78664

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Bluebonnet Trails Community Services as a recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant dollars either directly from FTA or through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), will comply with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d), the U.S. Department of Transportation implementing regulations, FTA Circular 4702.lB, and TxDOT PTN requirements as specified in Master Grant Agreement, and State Management Plan. Our Title VI Plan can be viewed here: Title VI Plan 2023-2026

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