Crisis Hotline: 1-800-841-1255    |    Appointments or Services: 1-844-309-6385

Get Help

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, Bluebonnet Trails has immediate services available 24 hours a day.



You are making a great healthy start! To make the most of your visit with Bluebonnet Trails, we encourage you to:

  • Be active in your own healthcare.

  • Ask questions and express any concerns you have about your wellbeing.

  • Share any special care needs you or your family may have.

  • Ask a trusted family member or friend to join you on your visit if you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

  • Remember, you are the center of the healthcare team and our healthcare providers welcome your involvement.

Preparing for Your Visit

What do I need to bring with me?


  1. Proof of insurance is required. If applicable, please bring your insurance card to each of your visits. It is important to bring your insurance card to assist with us:
    • Verifying your insurance coverage at each visit, and
    • Handling the billing of your health claims with your insurance company.
  2. Proof of Residence is required for possible adjustments to charges for services.
    • Examples include: utility bill (electric, water, or gas) and lease agreement.
  3. Proof of family income is required for possible adjustments to charges for services.
    • Previous year’s 1040 tax return
    • Current paycheck
    • Current pay statement or check stub
    • Social security benefits award letter

Forms to complete:

    Insurance Coverage

    Bluebonnet Trails accepts private insurance, Medicaid and Medicare for services rendered throughout all of our locations.

    Create a Your Texas Benefits Account (English)
    Create a Your Texas Benefits Account (Spanish)

    Payment for Services

    As a courtesy to our consumers, Bluebonnet Trails will file claims with your insurance coverage. It is ultimately your responsibility for the full and timely payment of your account.

    Payment of your estimated consumer portion is expected at the time services are rendered. This payment will include known deductibles, copays, and coinsurance due for this visit. Bluebonnet Trails will estimate your financial responsibility; it is your insurance company that will make the final determination regarding your eligibility and benefits.

    You may qualify for financial assistance towards your payments. This qualification will be determined at your first visit with Bluebonnet Trails. To qualify, it is very important that you bring with you: Proof of Insurance, Proof of Residence, and Proof of Family Income.

    Fee Schedule_Ability to Pay

    Fee Schedule_Ability to Pay_Spanish

    Bluebonnet Trails Community Services (BTCS) strives to ensure that the financial capacity of persons and families in need of quality healthcare services does not prevent them from seeking or receiving care. BTCS provides services without charge, or at a discounted rate, for those who have healthcare needs and are uninsured, underinsured, or otherwise unable to pay for medically necessary care based on their individual financial situation. For more information, please see our Charity Care Procedure or call 512-244-8456. 

    Medical Records

    If you would like a copy of your medical records, please visit Medical Records

    Your Rights

    Consumer Rights Information

    Helpful links for Mental Health Services:

    Helpful links for Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services:

    Helpful links for Substance Use Services:

    Helpful links for Chemical Dependency Treatment Facility Requirements:

    Reporting Concerns

    Consumers, family members, representatives, advocates, or concerned citizens who have a complaint or positive comment can mail their information to the following address:

    Bluebonnet Trails Community Services

    Office of Rights Protection/Complaints

    1009 N. Georgetown Street

    Round Rock, Texas 78664 or call

    Complaints or positive comments may also be emailed to: or call our 24-hour confidential message line number at (512) 244-8324.

    For Appointments or Information:

    24-Hour Crisis Hotline:

    1009 North Georgetown Street
    Round Rock, Texas 78664

    Brand Name
    Brand Name
    Brand Name
    Brand Name
    Brand Name

    Bluebonnet Trails Community Services as a recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant dollars either directly from FTA or through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), will comply with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d), the U.S. Department of Transportation implementing regulations, FTA Circular 4702.lB, and TxDOT PTN requirements as specified in Master Grant Agreement, and State Management Plan. Our Title VI Plan can be viewed here: Title VI Plan 2023-2026

    Copyright 2025 Bluebonnet Trails Community Services Privacy Policy Website by Tandem Web Co.